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Frage steht oben danke im Voraus
No Lean (codein with promethazine) is something very different. Codein and heroin are both opioids, but heroin is much stronger, which is also related to syringeging. In addition, the promethazine influences the effect of the codein very strongly, so that it acts quite differently than typical opioids consumed alone.
In addition, it is necessary to say that Lean is by far not as harmful we are heroin, the Lean often has medical quality while heroin is a stretched street drug, which usually has only about 10 percent purity. Such substances are used for stretching that the stretching agents are often more harmful than heroin itself.
Well. Lean usually contains the opioid codein (and, if necessary, further active ingredients, depending on who washes it together) and is a drinkable form. The opioid diamorphine (heroin) is more sprayed, smoked or snuffed, rather not taken up orally. The reason that diamorphine is usually not taken orally is that:
Codein acts pharmacologically almost as well as heroin but has a much lower potency, making Lean much weaker than Shore.
no, these are two completely different things
No, this is a cocktail of lemonade and codein.