ist kühlwasser einfach frostschutz mit wasser?
mein roller hat kein kühlwasser und habe keine ahnung über kühlungswasser usw und viele sagen man macht das kühlungswasser einfach mit frostschutz und wasser stimmt das oder muss man bestimmtes kühlwasser kaufen
There are antifreeze agents which are not tolerated and therefore cannot be mixed.
If one is not quite sure on which basis the frost protection is built up in the remaining cooling water, then the remaining cooling water is completely drained off and the best mixture is filled in.
Then let the roller run for a few minutes and then check the level of the cooling liquid again.
You should not take tap water because it contains minerals (alk) and impurities that cause deposits in the cooler over time. Either you buy a prefabricated mix, or concentrate, and distilled Water.