Ist Kork immernoch beliebt?
Mir fiel beim Wein kaufen auf, dass das Material “Kork”, von der Kork Eiche, als Verschluss gefühltermaßen verdrängt wurde.
Man sieht hauptsächlich Kunststoff Korken und Schraubverschlüsse..
Früher gab es doch auch noch diesen Trend, sich dünne Korkplatten auf den Fußboden zu kleben, als natürlicher Bodenbelag..
Und natürlich die guten Korkplatten Untersetzer für heiße Töpfe…
Wo findet man immernoch Kork, oder ist das Material “out” ?
Popular…? It is still used, but now almost exclusively for high-quality wines.
In the case of champagne it is mandatory, otherwise the law should be changed beforehand. In the case of champagne, at least the part of the cork must be made of natural cork that has contact with the champagne.
Natural cork is expensive. He is still one of the best options for closing bottles for long years and letting them mature.
For the many cheap wines it is too expensive.
Plastic corks are the cheap versions. Screw caps are the modern option. They are also often used in simpler wineries.
Nonetheless, in all high-caraeters, in the wine world, natural cork is still considered a “must be”.
Good to you… and stay healthy.
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
Of course! He has been used as bottle corks for centuries. The wine must only be stored correctly. Then the alcohol in the wine prevents mold formation and the cork does not shrink. Also cork still has a certain air permeability. The wine can breathe. A screw cap, or a crown cap, is very dense. Absolutely dense. Silicone corks are, as I find, not quite a bad alternative. It sits shrink-free in the bottle wound, has no harmful components such as plasticizers, etc., does not fault and lasts almost forever. And it’s just like cork, a little gas-permeable. I don’t know if there are any technical comparisons.
As wall coverings, this stuff is brilliant. I disguised a whole room at home with cork. It’s been unchanged for almost 40 years! As coasters they look beautiful and in laboratories they are also used as coasters for glass flasks, etc.
By the way, the fuel tanks of the Ariane rocket are insulated with cork and not with PU shit, as in America. There aren’t any pieces that will blow holes in shuttles!
good wine needs a taste-neutral natural material. just like champagne. therefore it has pressed on such bottle cork. correct cork, not recycling cork from cork pieces with glue.
cork is more popular than ever. so in general. for everything possible. from living room insulation to material for clothes, bags etc.
Just a little info. The cork scrap can be pressed with glue. Often this happens with the natural resin in the cork. Thus can to be full.
Corkpots are still in high quality wines.
Good valuable wine bottles still have cork
..with the danger that the wine will take air
if you’re so stupid and you’re wrong…
That is why good wines are stored lying, so that the liquid always passes through the cork.