ist kiffen ratsam bzw angebracht?
Ich komme gleich auf den Punkt, ich habe 2016 meinen Elfjährigen Sohn verloren. Das ganze zieht mich noch immer extrem runter und darum trink ich ziemlich viel alkohol… mein Umfeld bekommt das auch zu spüren durch meine Launen. Die frage ist würde es mich etwas runter bringen wenn ich kiffen würde ? ein kollege sagte soetwas mal zu mir aber ich kann es mir beim besten willen nicht vorstellen das ich dadurch ruhiger werde bzw “gechillter”
There are confirmed reports on the efficacy of cannabis when leaving severe, possibly dependent alcohol use.
Depending on the drinking behavior, a detoxification is recommended before a therapy trial with cannabis because otherwise cross reactions and side effects may occur which may result in possible control loss. Therefore, mixed consumption would not help – but be counterproductive.
No, you’d just get a new addiction with it!
I denk gras doesn’t make addiction? ! he meant it’s good to get to other thoughts and get down right…
Cannabis does not necessarily or reliably chill. He can even do the opposite. Just when you are mentally or emotionally burdened, it can make cannabis even harder.
I advise you to talk to professionals about the subject once. This is completely confidential, non-binding and free of charge for consultancy services. See:
Also here on the platform are consultants who can talk about this. For example:
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with the consumption of cannabis can be found here: