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Especially in terms of drones/vehicle heat, AI is important to reduce “Friendly Fire” and to make the controller less personal intensive. Larger UAV/UGV require less data exchange due to autonomy and are therefore less susceptible to interference.
KI tools also have a lot of potential when it comes to education, or (air) image evaluation, as they can examine extremely many images. And the 24/7.
As far as strategy is concerned, AI tools are likely to be even more reserved because it simply depends on too much.
Perhaps people see that “too much depends” because several generals have to work together.
I find it difficult to say how much AI is used in the military field. However, it is known that Airbus Defence has developed drones that can fly autonomous formations and can support normal aircraft. Certainly more or less AI systems are used in such technologies.
For language models like GPT, I hardly see an application in the military. Probably more to create disinformation.
How far this develops: no idea. AI will significantly influence our future and we need to learn the right way. But what is whispered in the corridors of the military facilities probably only the fewest people know.
It is not called the 4th industrial revolution for nothing.
No. nuclear weapons
Atomic bombs have been suitable for deterrence since the deliberate destruction – doctrine, and not for wars where you want to win something.
Nevertheless, they protect against attacks by other nuclear-free countries.
The problem is just that an opponent with nuclear weapons is trying to slowly push your inhibition threshold to their use. And if the opponent exceeds this, you either have to wage a conventional+BC war or to accept your own destruction.