Ist Ketamin im weiteren Sinne ein Psychedelikum?

MDMA wird ja auch im weiteren Sinne als “Psychedelikum” bezeichnet obwohl es eigentlich keines ist(wie z.B. LSD, Pilze, DMT oder Meskalin)

Wie verhält sich das mit Ketamin?

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1 year ago

Yeah, ketamin is a psychedelic. As with other psychedelics, you can also reach a ego tod here called k hole.

The k hole differs enormously from what you see on LSD, Meskalin or DMT. It is referred to as colder and you are so stunned that you do not really need to struggle actively with feelings or have to let go, because this happens automatically if you feel nothing more.

With low dose I understand why some do not think it belong to it. Even if the khole differs from other ego toden, it can nevertheless be so intense / the hallucination range can go so far. However, only in higher dosages

In addition, you can really die here and too much harm the blasphemy. The positive effects on the psyche are therefore really only to seek with a therapist/artist

1 year ago
Reply to  BlackyD961

The number of psychedelics is psychedelic

1 year ago
Reply to  aXXLJ

My God cheer you about XD

1 year ago


1 year ago

I do, even if I’m not your God.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Depending on whoever uses the word, psychedelic can mean something else. The fact that ketamine can cause various effects, as are typical of psychedelics, is undisputed.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

1 year ago

Ketamin can cause a dependence on mental symptoms. Chronic use damages the bladder, liver and kidneys and can lead to depressive detuning and anxiety.

1 year ago
Reply to  schelm1

Topic missed

1 year ago
Reply to  Cassassin

Is ketamine a psychedelic?

Yes, it can cause a dependence on mental symptoms. Chronic use damages the bladder, liver and kidneys and can lead to depressive detuning and anxiety.

Psychedelics include various substances such as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), hallucinogenic fungi (psilocybin, psilocybe), magic mushrooms (magic mushrooms) such as the Peyotl, the San Pedro, etc.

1 year ago

Hallucinogenic mushrooms SIND magic mushrooms, psilocybin is the active ingredient present therein. Peyote and San Pedro are meslin-containing cactus.
The dependency and damage potential of a drug does nothing about whether or not it is a psychedelic.

Again: Topic missed

1 year ago

Magic mushrooms and peyotl or San pedro? Bro these are meskalin cactus. In such things it is important either to tell the truth or to say nothing