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9 months ago

coldens the vessels and reduces blood circulation, so profis lay in the eistonne, the urination decreases and therefore also the inflammation, so they can afford more — but who has already narrowed, not good – otherwise

if it is not too often, I can imagine that it hardens against bacteria, viruses and co but not even there I am sure that it is so

is kkein must and is overestimated or unfounded

if you really want to boost your health, you have to train properly and eat well that is much more effective

the ultimate answer you get only by testing it couple weeks and watching if it makes a difference and if so where

9 months ago

It can be risky if you are sick.Profisportler bathe even in ice water there is something else but they also have doctors around themselves.

9 months ago

Better blood circulation, for example

But it also inhibits inflammation, etc