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2 years ago

You looked Jenke yesterday! 😜

I wouldn’t say in principle. That was a huge batch that was imported and processed further. However, the reportage is not completely up-to-date, so it can be good that the batch has long been through. I wouldn’t panic about that.

2 years ago

Depends on the concentration of the etylene oxide present. These are limit values that are now increased and are avoidable.

In the German industry, many only work with currant flour from European origin, then the problem with contamination does not occur.

2 years ago

No, it’s not. It was just a found eating for the media to spread panic. There is no increased risk of currant flour.

2 years ago

In the end, only small quantities are taken.

Like arsenic in rice, for example, our food does not generally consist of these things. I’m really always on the relatives…. do you have any doubts about (to death) sprayed apples from South Tyrol?

Are you breathing when you’re on a busy road or are you listening to it?

Questions about questions .

2 years ago

I wouldn’t think about it, because John bread seed flour is used in SO GERINGEN quantities, that it certainly does not harm