Ist jemand Steam Experte?
BITTE kann mir jemand helfen?! Ich brauche jemanden der sich mit Steam sehr gut auskennt, weil ich ein beschissenes Problem hab! Ich hab das Passwort für meinen Hauptaccount geändert, und seitdem kann ich mich nicht mehr Einloggen, weder mit dem neuen noch mit dem alten Passwort.
Der verdammte Steamsupport schickt mich im Kreis herum und ich bin kurz davor durchzudrehen, weil ich verdammt viel Zeit und Geld in meinen Acc investiert habe und ihn jetzt nicht wegen einem Spinner von Valve verloren haben möchte…auf jeden Fall jedes mal bei der Wiederherstellung des Passwortes zeigt er mir, wenn ich meine Email eingebe zu der auch mein Hauptaccount gehört, zeigt er mir meine anderen Accounts an, aber nicht meinen Hauptaccount, weswegen ich dort auch nichts machen kann wie zB nochmal Passwort ändern.
Wenn ich versuche an dieses HilfeFormular von Steam zu kommen wo man die um eine Wiederherstellung eines gestohlenen Accounts bitten kann, spinnt der re-CAPTCHA test und behauptet ständig ich geb den Test falsch ein, dabei geb ich den Test 100% richtig ein.
BITTE um dringende Hilfe, ich hab echt Panik und hoffe jemandem von euch ist das passiert und konnte dann eine Lösung finden :.(
The problem with reCaptcha may be solved by another browser or by cleaning up cookies.
ok I try this, would be very grateful if you stay achievable for me because if you know well with informatics that I will ask you more often!
This has nothing to do with computer science.
Try out other spellings, you’ve probably tipped off the password.
If you were so much on the account, you would have set up 2FA and listed a recovery code. If you get him back, you won’t have a problem next time.
Then you might want to start a .bat without having to type during login.
All right.
Come down a little.
Do you still have your old one?
When did you change it?
You have the same email as before and vllt. Even a phone number on Steam?
Actually, there’s a “password forgetting” letter you can press and then you’ll get an email.
well, that’s exactly what my problem is when I put my email address on which my main acc also runs, he shows me my 3 old accounts to which I barely used, and actually he should also display my mainacc because he also runs on this email, and from some reason he shows me that but nicth more! that’s why I can just click on it and change password because it just won’t appear anymore
Please answer the questions. That helps me. To help you
If you click forgot password, you will get an email. In this you change the password. Doesn’t have anything to do with the 2nd account.
no in the email directly I can change the password, I can only get an email with the verification code to check if it is really my account, but the password you can only change on the steampage, and there is not even my account displayed, so I can not choose it and change my password!
Use a clean browser without addons without anything.
did you try to write your name or your username anything small? Was my problem too. Name everything small then it should actually work.
so my account name is how it is displayed in steam [MLG]antivirus, and you mean I should write MLG once small?
The display name is not the account name… I strongly doubt that you can use brackets in the account name.
try this out :). But with [ ] I am not sure if you can register with it. If you can try to call it antivirus like that.
as already @HoneyBadger0 has already said, try once again only antivirus (all small) vll works.
Germany and you?
17 😀 are from Germany or Austria?
15 and you?
yes if I really do that you will be added directly…do I ask how old you bsit?
Hope you come back in and if yes you can add me: CrazyLuca15 hihi 🙂
yes was a foolish idea, originally I also called antivirus, but recently renamed me…I may try and meld again!
Hey, try to make the reCAPTCHA test in a browser.
just that’s my problem, the steam support page sends me around in a circle, and just doesn’t show me my acc when I want to restore the password! and when it seems to work, the test says I’m wrong, and I’m sure I entered it right, and when I’m more probious they’re telling me it’s too many re-establishing attempts and I’m supposed to try again later
Then try it again later.