Ist jemand der von Benzos abhängig ist, von allen abhängig?
Die Frage ist ein bisschen Sinnlos formuliert. Um das ein bisschen zu erläutern, ist jemand der von einem bestimmten Benzodiazepines abhängig ist automatisch von allen Medikamenten abhängig die in die Gruppe der Benzos fallen? Also würde jemand der nach Valium süchtig ist auch durch Loprazolam seine Sucht füttern können?
Dependencies are not only about drugs, but also about neurobiology and psychology. You cannot understand this disease by reducing it to the use of a substance alone. Anyone who has realized that he is dealing with a substance problematically or even ill should consider handling other substances particularly well.
Apart from this, all benzodiazepines have a very similar effect. There are even cross tolerances between many. Why I would assume that for similar reasons they can be used or abused in similar situations.
Maybe helpful:
If you are dependent on benzos you would take all of benzos what you get into your fingers is what you have and it also doesn’t matter whether oxazepam, lorazepam, alprazolam, diazepam or others, because all of them satisfy the demand for addiction.
The addiction per se only affects one substance. However, the demand for addiction can be a little distilled by other benzos, but 100% will satisfy you only the respective benzo you depend on.
Many benzo addicts are also dependent on several benzos simultaneously.
Thank you.
The meaning of all benzos is the sedation/resolution. I think in case of doubt it doesn’t matter if you get this calm from Tavor/Lorazepam, Diazepam or Valium. The addiction should be satisfied by all benzos.
Diazepam is Valium.
Thank you.
All benzodiazepines have a very high dependence potential. This applies to Valium > Diazepam, Tavor > Lorazepam, Alprazolam etc.