Ist jeder Heeresaufklärer ein Fernspäher?

Ist jeder Heeresaufklärer ein Fernspäher, oder sind die Fernspäher die Elitesoldaten unter den Heeresaufklärern?

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1 year ago

In detail, the orders and tasks of the Heeresaufclarer include:

  • Remote information:Reconnaissance in areas far from its own military location, often through specialised units such as the long distance trainers.
  • Near and Nearest Area Declaration:Collecting information in the immediate vicinity of your own troop or in its direct environment.
  • Technical information:Use of sensors, drones or electronic means to collect information about the opponent or the terrain.
  • Electronic warfare (ELF):Tracking, monitoring and interfering of opposing communication and electronics systems.
  • Gains of environmental information:Detection of terrain and weather conditions relevant to your own operation.
  • Create layer images:Combining the collected data to an overall picture that gives managers an overview of the current situation.
  • Support for target detection:Determination and transmission of target coordinates for their own combat forces or artillery.

Heere’s educators often work undercover and are specialized in operating unnoticed in hostile areas. Their equipment is highly technological and adapted to the special challenges of their tasks. The information obtained is often crucial for tactical and operational decisions and contributes significantly to the creation of decision-making bases.

1 year ago

No, not every military officer is a long-distance trainer. The two terms should not be used synonymously, although both are active in education.

Heereshator are soldiers who are usually responsible for the collection and dissemination of information about the opponent, terrain and weather conditions. Their tasks can be varied and range from the execution of patrols to the monitoring of certain areas.

Fernpäher, on the other hand, are a special unit within the Bundeswehr, which is regarded as an elite and meets special information missions often carried out behind the hostile lines. Training for distance trainers is particularly demanding and requires high physical and mental performance.

In short, All long-distance pupils are Heeressen, but not all Heeressen are long-distance trainers.

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Your TestHelden team. 🚀

1 year ago

Is every army reconnaissance a long distance


or are the elites among the Heeres clarifiers

Certainly, there are no so many of them. The four long-distance trains are part of the two airborne air conditioning companies.