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Uff, that would be creepy. Don’t worry about statistics that you didn’t even fake 😁 Moreover, this statistics must not apply (more) to “Trumps America”. It just doesn’t fit into Trump’s completely disgusting worldview. He’s the president, he’s heading the way. It is simply in the past
For the rest of the world, I can’t guess.
Question: Where exactly does homosexuality begin? There are probably many people who can enjoy very friendly or particularly good-looking representatives of their own sex? Do you want to see this as a homoerotic tendency or not? Is one only homosexual when thinking to have sex with someone of the other sex is shaking before disgust, or is one homosexual if one prefers people of one’s own sex? Is a 15-year-old who once tries with someone of his own sex, even because he can’t land with the other sex, already bisexual?
Questions about questions. Can you answer them and why is an answer even important?
if you want sex with other men you are gay, is not a complicated question
Even if you have no other choice, for example? Like in prison? Or if you try it? And is a handjob already sex? ECT
Do I go right in the assumption that you consider homosexuality as sin or at least as something very reprehensible?
yes, if you have no choice, you can use your hand
once try and handjob are gay activities
It’s about 10%. However, it means that in many countries, where the same-sex love is societal and/or juridically even a few can really live out. In countries like Saudi Arabia, for example, gays naturally marry a woman and become fathers. And then they listen to a hotel’s whirlpool if there’s not even a gay European who can evaporate into the room… I know what I’m talking about.
He was a fight pilot with the Saudi army…
you were also Europeans
certainly not 20%!
I estimate a lower single-digit percentage.
No 20%
I wouldn’t be mad about it.
Do you mind
I don’t know. :