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I think it comes to the situation. Some people do this because they are tensed only once to lose the tension. But if this happens regularly and the SVV will become more, it is already noticeable. And the person should get professional help through a psychotherapist.
Would say something already, but there are also physical/genetic malformations which lead to self-harming behavior. There’s no psyche.
Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome: In the stronger form, in addition to hyperuricemia, tendencies for self-absorbing behavior (autoaggression) are already recognizable. It can be seen that most children have a side preference when mutilating the extremities. Syndrome
It comes to a compelling self-harming behavior.
Whoever deliberately hurts himself is normally ill, there is no abnormal disease.
Hey, actually, that’s not normal, but you can see how you want. I can tell me it’s not healthy. I can tell you it’s just bad. Do you want to talk about it? By the way, I’m m/15.
Yes, of course. It’s not normal.
It’s definitely not healthy.
It’s got to do with normal or “unnormal”, but whoever gets hurt himself might have problems.
Yeah, well, he doesn’t hurt himself. It should not be necessary to explain it.
Logically, yes.
lg up
Yeah, right. It’s not healthy.
That’s it. Why should a mentally “normal” person do something like this to his body?
“Normal” is such a stupid term. But yes, who does it carries a mental burden with him.
Yeah, that’s it.
Do we really want to discuss what is normal, which is not normal?
Everything that deviates from the norm is not NORM-al. Accordingly, if the standard does not apply SVV, then if someone does it, then it is not normal in terms.
So you think it would be normal to cut the underarms?
I mean yes.
That’s it.
All have one on the gossip
But this is a little empathic statement.