Ist jeden Tag Sport auf Dauer Ungesund?

Ich mache mittlerweile jeden Tag Sport, dabei mache ich einen 3er Split (Krafttraining) , jeweils 4 mal die Woche Training. 3 mal die Woche Trainiere ich meine Ausdauer. Fokus ist Laufen, aber ich gehe trotzdem mal Schwimmen oder sonstiges wenn ich auf was anderes Lust habe.

Bis jetzt fühle ich mich nicht erschöpft, im Gegenteil, jeden Tag sprudelt es voller Glückshormone. Kann man dies auf Dauer durchhalten? Vor habe ich nur 3 mal die Woche Sport gemacht.

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1 month ago

However, it is also important to pay attention to the signals of your body and ensure that you plan enough time for recovery and regeneration. Here are some points you should note:

  1. Avoid overtraining: Too much training without sufficient recovery can lead to overtraining, which can have negative effects on your body and your immune system. Make sure you plan at least one rest day per week.
  2. Varied exercises: Change in your training plan can help to train different muscle groups and reduce the risk of injuries.
  3. Nutrition and Hydration: A balanced diet and sufficient fluid supply are essential to support your body during exercise.
  4. Sleep and rest: Sufficient sleep and relaxation are important to regenerate the muscles and recharge energy.

1 month ago

You should always take a rest day once a week so that your body can really rest. Can still take a long walk, but strength training should not be. Maybe you don’t touch exhaustion now, but sooner or later you’ll notice it. In addition, you don’t lose the fun of sport so quickly and you get less quickly into a possible sporting addiction.