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Thanks to the EU’s aid funds – currently around EUR 200 billion in one year – Italy is somehow getting over the rounds.
And, unfortunately, the help continues to throw out the window for insane things.
That Italy is the third largest net contributor in the EU, are we going to fall under the table for Framing?
Depending on the political attitude, the net payments of Italy or the PNRR billion fall under the table. Without that, Italy would be broke.
This has already been taken into account in the EU budget balance. Italy is more than welcome.
It has nothing to do with political attitudes, but with materiality.
Generally speaking: Yes. Rich in Kutlur definitely.
But if I can believe newspaper reports, where it is claimed that Italy wants to put the local citizen’s money down without replacement, I’m getting sick.
I can only say what I’ve read. Otherwise I find Italy a holiday but very charming. In particular Napoli, before “2 small Italians” become Elegie.
It was not cancelled, but reformed. is now called assegno di inclusione.
Thank you. I can only say what I read and that had left me so speechless.
And this reformation: Just stay to hope that it will not cause any more suffering than it is sensible.
Yeah, I think the north is richer than the south, but I’m sure I’m not.
Best regards Sandknolle 🐥
Italy is one of the richest countries in the world. Measured by fortune.
Individual citizens?
in general, yes