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Yeah, a lot.
You can also easily squeeze out – bound in the pulp… with some sugar etc.
There’s a lot of water in a watermelon.
Source: Google
of course approx. 95% of the watermelon is water.
and approx. 24kcal/100gr.
So I heard there’s a lot of water in that watermelon. I can’t be sure because this is really just a hypothesis based on my last experience. If I had to appreciate, I would say that there is more water in such a watermelon than in a honeymelon. Hope I could help you with this answer.
Hello, Water262. 😊
Yeah, that’s the name.
Of course, a watermelon also contains fruit juice, but it is the smaller percentage.
Let’s just taste the watermelon. 👍😆
Greetings, Renate. 😊
Yes. Water is included in every fruit and vegetables
and people – about 2⁄3