Ist ICE fahren gefährlich?

Meine Mutter hat Angst um mich weswegen sie mich mit normalen zügen keine 6 stunden fahren lässt von Rheinland pfalz bis Hamburg. Deswegen bietete ich ihr an dass ich mit ICE fahre sie sagte das wäre genauso gefährlich. Stimmt das ?

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7 months ago

No, driving is more dangerous. And that in the train there may be any rapists, but they’ll be careful to do something on the train when there are people. Around even at stations, especially at larger ones, there are other people at night. In a larger city, the station or train is still relatively safe even in the dark, the roads are not. And the train station of Hamburg is such a big train station, there are always many people. What you always see on TikTok is usually total bullshit, as adults should know your mother. And if not, what’s next? If your mother sees on Tiktok how someone goes out and then a brick falls on his head, and he’s dead or someone runs over the street and will pass, then your mother won’t let you out because this is too dangerous?

One has to think that was a case in which, from one day onwards, what happened in comparison to hundreds of thousands of other people, who are all also on the day or the time and where nothing happened. I want your mother to calculate the likelihood of something like that happening. Then you will notice that the truthfulness that they are involved with you in the car somewhere in an accident is much higher

7 months ago
Reply to  TimeLady732

Right. I think his mother has to worry more about whether he will arrive at the DB as if the station is dangerous 😀

7 months ago

Trains are most dangerous for the following types of people:

  • Climb on the train and get too close to the overhead line or can no longer hold and fall off the train.
  • Are on the tracks where they shouldn’t be.
  • When passing through the Bhf. are too close to the platform.

ICE don’t drive so likely over a normal lane crossing, where there is still a truck etc. and the train could escape.

The Assi share is quite a bit higher in IMHO’s local trains than in long-distance traffic. And you also have a toilet and can buy food/drinks on the train.

So ICE is a bit safer in that sense.


7 months ago

I just don’t think of anything in the world, which is not somehow associated with a residual risk.

Just like footpaths, cycling, driving and flying are associated with a residual risk, it is also driving with an ICE or other train.

I don’t have a car and drive from child legs almost daily by train, several times a month with the ICE. Something has happened to me repeatedly during the railing: once I pulled a dip on my leg at the stairs from the platform, another time I crashed on my way to the train so unhappy that I had pulled a shoulder-close arm break. Several times I left something on the train and didn’t get back. Once my train had overrun a wild animal and once the overhead had torn down, both times I had to spend hours on the train.

1 month ago

My answer may be a little late,but I am 14 years old and drive mid 2 times a month from Nuremberg to Karsruhe im Ice.I have never done anything else and I would also like to go on excursions. The train had a little delay, but it wasn’t bad.

7 months ago

Good evening,

the only thing I would call ‘tangerous’ on the train is the road map :D. Trains are always late or not at all. At the Hamburg railway station I heard that you have to watch beggars and homeless. So don’t go there at night!

Best regards

7 months ago

That’s bullshit. It’s not dangerous.
At the main station you should take care of something (depending on time). As in any other big city, there are some light-headed figures.

7 months ago

In the railway you even live safer than in your own budget. They are therefore completely unfounded.

7 months ago

The greatest danger is a possible corona infection. This is rather unlikely.

7 months ago

No In a larger city the station or train is still relatively safe even in the dark

7 months ago

The safest means of transport is the aircraft, but within Germany too energy-intensive. After that, the train is coming. Vulnerability is rare in Germany.

7 months ago

Of course not, no. Make millions of people.

What is this dangerous?

7 months ago

I don’t know what she thinks dangerous. Traffic death statistics speak in any case per train and counter car.

The rest is life risk. I was about once a month with the ICE across Germany. There’s nothing “hazardous.”

7 months ago
Reply to  Anonymobombo11

What a bullshit. The greatest danger to a sexual abuse threatens a woman at home anyway – with her partner, Vster, brother, uncle, cousin.

But let me guess: Your mother hasn’t been driving a train in the last 30 years?

7 months ago

Got it. Fear by social media. And probably she also chooses the AfD because you tell her that on TikTok.

Let her delete these stupid apps and watch the reality together with you. It will then find that, despite the existing problems in Germany, it is not yet a failed state.

Fearable how people can now be influenced by stupid videos on any Chinese apps from any bots.

6 months ago

What do you have for a sick control freak as a mother? My condolences! I hope she’ll put you in cotton.