Ist Hyundai eine gute Automarke?
Bauen die gute Autos oder sollte man sich von den fern halten?
Danke im Voraus
Bauen die gute Autos oder sollte man sich von den fern halten?
Danke im Voraus
Ich will mir nächstes Jahr ein neues Auto zulegen. Er soll wenn möglich ca ü 100 PS haben und nicht so viel runter haben (KM). Bekommt man für den o.g. Betrag einen guten gebrauchtes Auto????
Hallo, also ich und meine Mutter suchen gerade ein neues gebraucht Auto für sie im Bereich von 19-23k und dabei bin ich auf Autos gestoßen die im Vergleich zu ihrem Peugeot einen kleineren Hubraum haben sprich sie hat 1,6L 80kw und die anderen neueren Autos haben 1,3 oder 1,4L und 110kw bzw 150ps oder sogar…
Guten Tag, Folgendes Problem: Meine Tür vom Golf 3 hält nicht auf sondern fällt immer wieder zu. Das heißt wenn ich aus meinem Auto aussteigen möchte und die Tür öffne muss ich sie festhalten sonst knallt sie wieder zu. Was genau wäre da kaputt denn jede Autotür müsste normalerweise von alleine auf halten an verschiedenen…
Fährt ihr oft zu schnell? Oder geht ihr es lieber gemütlich an? Mich nervten schon immer diese 25-km/h-Schleicher in der Tempo 30-Zone, tbh. Sorry, falls sich jemand angegriffen fühlt.
A colleague drives her second or third i30. The repairs that have come together in recent years remind me of my Simca year of 1975, only that he had no mimic electronics.
Yeah, she is. My SantaFe is now 12 years old and purifies like a kitten. No repairs have occurred except for a tie rod (guarantee) and control belts, otherwise only the normal wear parts such as tires and brake pads. Still got my first exhaust. I’m very happy with Hyundai.
I meanwhile drive my second car, both were/are Hyundais. Can it only recommend, I love my car totally, the first one I left after 3 years to my mother, as I had to change from the manual transmission to automatic due to a permanent injury. Both are Hyundai i30, the first was in 2010 and a limousine, which is now in 2011 and the combination. Both excellent cars. I’d always buy.
I heard they even have wheels and drive!
Seriously, do you think a VW assembled from Chinese parts is better? O.k., a little exaggerated, but the Korean industry has long been catching us technically – not only with cars, look at the shipyards!
Best to read Comparative tests and workshop reviews (this also includes) from various factories, including vehicles you might be interested in.
My mother drove a Hyundai i30 from 2009 for a long time (to the last month).
Last year it had a defective coupling and at the same time even a torn coupling hose, this year the control chain has skipped (without consequential damage). Otherwise, the car did not have a single repair and it was running at 200,000km. Normal maintenance, i.e. brakes, bulbs, of course have occurred.
My father runs a Hyundai i40 from 2014. He had nothing to do with his car yet, while the guarantee he had received problems from the radio but they were fixed. Since this year he has 2 problems, the Cancel button from the tempomat only works sporadically, probably frightened. But he almost only uses the brake to lift the tempomat. And probably by his own stupidity, because he wanted to get rid of an open trunk and this one was pushed against somewhere, water now runs through the left backlight into the trunk. LED backlights are a bit more expensive. Here, however, our workshop would like to close the backlight somewhat helpfully.
And I myself drive the current Hyundai i30PD as a combination, I am also satisfied with that! Unfortunately I only caught a Monday model, after the first 2,000km the turbocharger came new as a rod was not greased. But this is all history now and everything works wonderfully. I own the car for two years, drove 30,000km and have no problems! I only recommend the latest software stand in the car! There was an update that needed to be done with me. The car continued to accelerate when I gave some quick gas and then took the foot off the gas. So quickly up to 20km/h more came to the speedometer and I could only keep the speed down by braking. But Hyundai has fixed the bug by the software!
My conclusion to Hyundai? Good, reliable vehicles with 5 years warranty (so-called all-round careless) and at a good price. The first childhood illnesses of newer models are probably more likely to occur in the first 5 years and you can handle them without any problems over the warranty. With the German manufacturers you don’t have so long warranty and my colleagues had worse problems with their Audi, Mercedes and VW company cars.
But that would be a mistake that would have severely restricted my trust in the brand… 🤨
Considering this update already existed in 2017 before the car was sold at all and my dealer didn’t do it…
Yes, I won’t go to the dealer anymore. The current dealer and the associated workshop immediately said that the error is known and could not have been sold without an update.
But I never want to push a trader through his misconduct to the entire brand.
Become more and more convincing – but already nasty mistakes and a brand representative who forgets him/her fix… 🥳😕
Hyundai builds quite good vehicles, generally the Asian manufacturers are not bad and build solid vehicles.
In comparison between the foreign and German manufacturers, all manufacturers have actually picked up properly, while the German manufacturers have remained on the spot or, in the case of V-AG, make clear steps back. Better a LADA than a VW.
Is there a special vehicle you’re interested in?
Yeah, it’s even a very good car brand. My i40 CW now has 200,000 problem-free KM in just over 4 years. I still have a year manufacturer warranty. It doesn’t offer any other car brand. I didn’t have extraordinary workshop visits. Take inspections and that was it.
I’ve been driving a Hyundai ix20 for four years. Except for wear parts that had to be renewed so far (I drive a lot), the car does not make any problems.
Above all, I am delighted with the good value for money.
When my satisfaction stops, my next car is a Hyundai again.
Nee, Hyundai is one of the good
Look. Just look at the breakdown statistics of ADAC, the Japanese and Koreans are well represented.
Hyundai is now on VW level or even about quality, reliability etc
Better than VW in any case 😉