Ist hier jemand schon etwas älter und kann sich an die Tragödie in Tschernobyl erinnern?

Ich interessiere mich schon immer sehr für Tschernobyl und alles drum und dran, was damals passiert ist und welche Auswirkungen das noch heute für uns hat. Kann sich vielleicht jemand an damals erinnern? Wie die Zeit damals war oder hat jemand vielleicht Erzählungen von anderen gehört?

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6 months ago

A few days before the message was officially received reports from Norway that increased radiation had been measured. Something had to happen and it was speculated until the Soviets actually gave what had happened. They were well known that all “insanity” was secreted to the West and its own population. My daughter was in kindergarten at the time, and the kids were not allowed to play. Parents were also recommended to keep the children outside of schools and kindergartens in the house and to put them regularly in the shower. Many foods that just grew up in the fields at the time of the accident were destroyed. The milk of cows in this time was also spilled away. Mushrooms in the forest should not be collected, even no berries, etc. Animals in the forest were able to multiply without hindrance, there was a wild boar plague, because they were not hunted any more.

6 months ago

Here is a detailed article about it with many pictures.

At that time, the authorities first tried to downplay the whole thing, and it was a very big disaster not only for the environment. Radiactivity was also carried to Germany, although not life-threatening. After all, the consumption of vegetables, fruits and mushrooms was even warned. Whole vegetable fields were planted at that time. It was a strange time when nobody knew exactly what to believe.

6 months ago

I didn’t experience it myself, of course, but I know a lot of stories from the elderly. When Chernobyl happened in 1986, most of the people in Europe had nothing to do with it. It was long covered by the Soviet Union. Only when increased radiation was measured in Sweden did this all come to light. Many remember how suddenly fear came. You were no longer allowed to play outside, do not consume fresh food such as salad or milk, and the news was constantly talking about this invisible danger. It was particularly violent in Germany because the radioactive rain came down here. People didn’t know exactly what to do, and many really had a shot at the effects. Some still tell today how they stopped their children from playing and food was thrown away from the garden. This fear has lasted for a long time, and even today some areas are still contaminated.

6 months ago
Reply to  doggylander

That’s not true with the “next” thing. I experienced it on the day of the accident (was in Italy) and when I came home to Germany all people knew it.

6 months ago

I remember that very well, people almost played crazy, children shouldn’t play outdoors, vegetables and fruits from their own garden shouldn’t be consumed, but the vegetables should be best digging. Wild meat should not be eaten and no mushrooms at all. My father then worked in one of the oldest nuclear power plants in Germany, where people came up with scrubbing that was on the leash to measure how high they were exposed to radiation. Pure panicmache we have eaten everything our garden gave and were not irradiated at any time. As I mentioned, all panic.

My personal opinion

6 months ago

Yeah, I’m older, but just something. It was three days before the 80. Birthday of my mother in the Ruhr area. My family had already traveled, I woĺlte still cultivate the outdoor facilities and – just before departure – cook robarbers. Later it was heard that you could be dispensed with Rharbarbergenus because of radiation!!!

6 months ago

Hello I was 26 years old. Everything was played down. It was interesting when the cloud closed over Deuschland and Germany. It was said by many that this and that should not eat anymore. In the GDR where I lived this was very little known or it was concealed . Because we had a very close relationship with UDSSR. The truth was only brought to light much later. There was already the conclusion of both states. My daughter was born in 1986 and sometimes we had the impression that she had received an irradiation from the cloud. That’s just what happened to me.

6 months ago

I was 11 at the time, and I didn’t get much of it, so it wasn’t a real danger, I just know that it was warned against vegetables from Eastern Europe because it contained a lot of radiation.

6 months ago
Reply to  SirSulas74

Even today, when you put a wild animal and food wants to be tested the radiation exposure. Even then, there were also higher radiation levels in Deuschland to Sweden, in Germany to Skadinavien blasting due to the precipitation also cars.

There was a danger in every case.


6 months ago

I was 15 years old, lived in the GDR and learned about the reactor accident from West Television. It wasn’t a subject at school.

6 months ago
Reply to  Pfefferprinz

I already find Krass, the GDR was a part of the UDSSR since it was really dead.

How did it grow up in the GDR? Find it pretty interesting, one said to me that he was afraid to say something wrong about the STASI, etc.

6 months ago
Reply to  JoeMamaGF

I was too naive to be afraid. I felt first and foremost unfree and faint.

6 months ago

The more I know the freedom I have today.

6 months ago

Interesting, and I’m sorry you had to feel that way.

6 months ago

I remember very well. On the day of the accident, in Ravello, arrived for a congress and looked forward to a good Italian meal in this super hotel. They brought us together and showed only a TV, where something went over a nuclear power plant. We didn’t understand, then learned what happened and that instead of the expected menu we would only get food from the can and absolutely nothing fresh. What disappointment! But also huge concern for all our health, because the cloud had come down heavily over the Gulf. The subsequent few days of holiday through southern Italy were also a pure fall. All the joy of the good fruit and Italian food was there. And then at home the same game. In the vicinity there was a butcher shop which showed the becquerel values daily and even daily changing and accordingly sold only a little loaded goods. There were food restrictions for at least one year, then some things were released. Herbs and vegetables grown in the garden could not be eaten. But we know that certain wild species are still burdened today, also mushrooms.