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3 months ago

Sugar itself

is not self-evident in young people. For people, especially young people, do not eat sugar!


Eat young people for everything that is sweet and what sugar is! And lots of it and much too much!

No day goes without at least one candy! I’ll see this to the kids in the house. Their consumption of sugary sweets is not only greatly exaggerated, no, compared to my childhood and youth, and also to what I personally take in candy today, their sweetness and therefore their consumption of sugar is scaleless and completely out of the joints! While her mother, once addressed, assured me that her children do not have too many sweets, so I was really surprised by the huge quantities of sweets that are now considered “not much”!

In my childhood and youth, for example, we had no candy at all in the house and if sometimes a table of chocolate, then we, my mum and me, lasted this one whole week until we had consumed them and we enjoyed every single piece!

Even if I had a taste of something sweet, Mom said to me, “Kind, then eat an apple or a banana! They’re cute too! And much healthier!” – And I got no candy!

The consequences of this buoyant consumption of sugar by sweets cannot be omitted either! Nowadays, children with type II have been suffering diabetes, where a few old people were ill with my youth! And today, there are massive young people and young people! And overweight and even adipous is also a not to be underestimated part of them! What proves: How unhealthy and badly these young people feed and in what a worrying and also bad health state there is a large part of them!

ABER: It’s all educational thing! They get the wrong values from their parents. And candy is now so cheap to buy at the supermarket that parents prefer to grab them, rather than healthy, but much more expensive fruits, in which you pay for the Kilo apples now 3,– € or 4,– €! What then has to go into the money immediately when eating 2 or 3 apples on the day!

Actually, the kilo of sugar would have to be taxed at 5,– €, so that the table of chocolate would not cost € 1.29, but you would have to pay €4.99 – and you would get the kilo of apples for €0.5! Then young people would quickly stop filling themselves with unhealthy candy! But unfortunately, it is still a long way until our politicians reach the wisdom that the growing consumption of sugar damages the lives of people, especially young people, and must be denied by state! So young people are encouraged to live healthy again!

3 months ago

There are hardly any food without sugar there are not only candy, but also dairy products, fruits and vegetables are full of sugar, so you often get to the border who eats candy or avoids healthy snacks this quickly

I avoid being added sugar for many years because sugar prepares me stomach cramps, that is, I bake and cook everything myself and have control of how much I sweet and know exactly what I eat apart from natural sugar in fruit. where I also keep limited

As a result, my taste has changed completely by now, I used to like to drink a cola or an iced tea but because otherwise I hardly take sugar to me I taste the sweet stronger and it is unbearable I could just as well put my head in a sugar bag, but I still like to drink iced tea myself made without extra sugar… I bought 1 pound of sugar in January and of which nearly 2/3 consumed for my conditions is already very much, and when I bake instead of sugar I like to eat like dried cakes, so this is very relatively

3 months ago

Today, sugar is actually natural for many young people, as it is in almost all processed foods – from drinks to snacks. Often it is not taken care of how much sugar is consumed, although the WHO recommends taking up a maximum of 50 grams a day, with a pain limit of 75 grams. Earlier, as your grandpa says, sugar was more consciously enjoyed because it was considered something special. Today, consumption is outweighed by convenience and constant availability, which can have health consequences in the long term.

3 months ago
Reply to  Rene9119

Sugar is the cheapest ingredient in the market after air, water and salt. In addition to the taste, the durability and partial consistency of the product improves.

3 months ago
Reply to  Rene9119

That’s right, actually you think about sweet things like sandwiches more about salt than sugar. But sugar is used in many finished products because it serves not only sweetening, but also as a preservative and rounded off the taste. It strengthens aromas and can even help to conceal the taste of low-quality ingredients. In addition, many people get used to the slightly sweet taste, which is why the industry often uses it – even where you don’t expect it, like sandwiches. Unfortunately, this has little to do with healthy food.

3 months ago

Sugar is very widespread in today’s “healing” and leads to health problems in the quantity that is often absorbed today. Partly as a meal substitute is too much of the good.

The negative effects (weight increase …) can be reduced by targeted adoration (e.g. fresh fruit and vegetables, stevia as a suessant) and and coerperous movement (walking, gardening).

From time to time a little sugar (Keks, chocolate) should be consciously enjoyed, but rather as a reward and not in the normal menu

3 months ago

Unfortunately, sugar is a matter of course in every form nowadays. The many overweights are the result of sugar consumption taking up and storing a lot of calories. If you want to stay healthy, if you still are, you should handle sugar consumption very carefully.

3 months ago
Reply to  Rene9119

If you can track your meals, you can use various apps.

3 months ago

No. You can list what you eat on the day and see how many calories, fat, sugar, protein etc.

3 months ago

Sugar is everywhere. Many people find it difficult to have an overview at all. I think more than half of the young people consume too much sugar.

3 months ago
Reply to  Rene9119

Not necessarily

3 months ago

Hello.. Unfortunately, young people are no longer without sugar bombs. However, it later grows with diabetes.

LG Sky

3 months ago

Not only for young people…

Almost in every processed food is sugar in it. But not only since yesterday.