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So first, the heart rate and the pulse should be equal, all the other would be heart rhythm disorders. But I do not mean, of course, that the pulse may sometimes be weak in the extreme extremes if these are badly bleeding and cold.
In peace and if you are at rest for more than 5 minutes, this is quite high, but it is also individual and can also be caused by acute illness (with fever my pulse does not fall below 70). If you just drank a liter of coffee, it’s probably enough for today.
Depends. If it was the situation where you saw your ex at school, then I would say very good value. The pulse remained almost normal.
But if it was during a quiet break, in which you were not moving and also not somehow excited, but rather relaxed, then the pulse was too high.
(If you read this and your pulse goes up, I’d be happy…)
Residual pulse
Then you should just watch this for a long time and if the pulse is always so high, ask a doctor.
The heart rate should correspond to the pulse. You can only determine the first one via an EKG.
For an adult, a pulse of 60-80 bpm is considered “normal”. Individual deviations, of course, always exist and therefore not automatically worrying. For example, power porters can also have a resting pulse of around the 40-50, while for example smaller, slim women can always have a pulse around the 100.
As long as there are no complaints, I would see it relaxed.
The Hf and Pulse was digitally shown to me
The heart rate corresponds to the electrical activity of the heart, the pulse is what comes “on”. Sounds to me strongly after measurement by clock… It can also be just a measurement error. He should be lower.
Probably not measured at the same time… 2% difference is nix, because the pulse constantly fluctuates slightly.
I’d rather worry about heart rate and pulse being different…
How to explain
Measurement errors, because heart rate and pulse are the same.
but digital
If it’s the rest pulse, it’s too high
Too high?