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Mittelgroser Mirabellenbaum
Oats and rye are both healthy fruits, and loose cereal concretes are intense fruit sequences.
They both need less nutrients and less crop protection than wheat or barley.
However, since oats is a summer culture, it can reduce the workload at the time of the autumn order, and as a summer culture, the typical weeding of winter cereals crops is also fought over the fruit sequence.
That’s why I’d consider oats healthier for the soil.
I don’t think so. Let’s say you have a celiac (you mentioned otherwise).
Because rye also contains adhesive white, it is not suitable for people with gluten intolerance. With 7 percent fat and thus two to three times as much as in other cereals as well as especially high-quality protein, Hafer has rightly given its status as a nutritious breakfast cereals
According to the Internet it is healthier