Ist Grüner Apfelsaft Gesund (Vor und Nachteile) und was Besser Normaler Oder Grüner Apfelsaft?
Hallo ich habe eine Frage ich möchte wissen ob Grüne Apfelsaft gesund ist und möchte wissen für was es gut und schlecht ist.
und Auch ob der Normale oder Der Grüne Apfelsaft gesünder ist.
Ingredients: Ingredients:
Water, apple juice (9.5%) from apple juice concentrate, sugar, lemon juice from lemon juice concentrate, acidifier citric acid, stabilizers: E414, E440, E415, aroma, dyes beta-carotene and E133, vitamins (C, E, B6, Thiamin, B12).
This has nothing to do with apple juice, but 9.5 % are included, ergo 90.5 % of the beverage consist of water and the funny E numbers and added vitamins.
9.1 g of sugar on 100ml can also drink cola.
Do not know green apple juice, but generally juices are not very good, it is pure concentrated sugar. Fruit sugar.
When you drink a glass, of course, nothing speaks about it, but regularly such sugar beans in themselves are not healthy.
You have to look at how much apples have to be pressed to fill such a bottle and then you should eat these apples in the piece
natural apple juice from 100% apple is the only one that goes quite clear
This is some artificially flavored sugar drink and has nothing to do with apple juice. It’s not healthy.