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10 months ago

Not much more expensive than other addictions. One buys suff for 10 € a day, the next smokes 2 boxes and also for other consumption (books, music, clothes) it goes quickly into the money. I’d have illegal synthetic drugs on the outside, and I’d have a lot more money on it.

10 months ago
Reply to  Zilpzalp2

You misunderstand, it was about limiting synthetic drugs, not that there is legal (there are, but they are limited to medical use and strongly regulated).

10 months ago

So if you don’t grow yourself, but buy the dealer, you’re at ~10€/g.

As a self-payer’s client, it’s about 5€/gram.

One gram is sufficient for 2 weekends (0.5g or 2 joints per weekend), Vaper have a little less consumption.

In intensive ciffers, the grams last for about one day.

In self-construction, the price per gram can fall to about 10ct/g if you have a suitable garden available.

With electricity costs and acquisition/replacement of technology, you land more at 1€/Gramm

10 months ago

‘Teuer’ is relative.
Who smokes half a g daily, his illegally bi dealer bought grass costs 365 (days) times 5 € (for half a gram) of cannabis. So 1825 € a year.
It is cheaper – and legal – to be built, provided that the necessary investments can be managed which amortise over the years.

10 months ago

Depends on how much you smoke. If you smoke 2g every day, it will be expensive in the long term.

10 months ago
Reply to  Zilpzalp2

Depends on where you refer to it. know someone who smokes for 800.- monthly and I smoke maximum for 25.- monthly, if not in part less 🤷🏻 but so generally cost 5g 50.-

10 months ago

That from the colleague? Yes definitely! This can be called a addiction, but unfortunately, people also judge about people who like me consume and feel like I’m a junkie and see me at the addicts 🤷🏻 ♂️

10 months ago

I don’t know. It’s cheaper if you don’t consume it. My uncle has become schizophrenic. But is your decision.

10 months ago

I think that’s a lot of money.

10 months ago
Reply to  Zilpzalp2

I don’t know that exactly.