Ist gerade eine gute Zeit nach Israel zu reisen?
Sind Hotels günstig? Haben Museen und archäologische Stätten offen?
Sind Hotels günstig? Haben Museen und archäologische Stätten offen?
Wenn man in den USA ist, was sollte man dort kaufen? Also was lohnt sich? Was hast du dort gekauft? Was gibt es dort was es nicht in Deutschland gibt? Ich dachte an die Crest Whitening Stripes und Ghirardelli’s Schokolade. Was gibt es noch? Vielen Dank.
Ich habe keine Lust mehr zu Essen, keine Lust irgendetwas zu tun. Will nur noch liegen, einschlafen und nie mehr aufwachen. Was würde passieren wenn ich das tatsächlich umsetzen würde, nur noch minimal essen, nur noch im Bett liegen, was würde dann passieren? Ich meine von der Gesundheit her. Ich meine, ich sehe den Sinn…
Hey, ich mache nächstes Jahr, also 2025, mein Abi, bin dementsprechend Mitte Juni mit der Schule komplett fertig und fange am ersten September bzw. Oktober (abhängig von der Stadt) eine Ausbildung an. In der Zwischenzeit (Mitte Juni bis Mitte August) möchte ich in Deutschland arbeiten gehen und mir dadurch Geld für eine Reise ansparen. Allerdings…
Well, hotels are never cheap in IL, and the flight prices are very high. But some hotels make better prices, even because of the season, and there are also Airbnb.
It is just calm (but no one knows how long) and seeing wonders, restaurants etc. have mostly on, but are sometimes almost empty, which is not so great.
There’s no one waiting there
Well, who knows
It is very safe in Israel, the terrorist attacks should not be seen as a deterrent. 99% will be stopped before they take place
Yeah, it is. But that’s not the question.
Yes, the hotels are probably cheaper because the demand is not high at the moment. Most do not travel in times of war
Museums have all opened normally. Recently I was in a surreal museum in Tel Aviv. It was also open normally. Also the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, where I was also after the 7/10, had opened normal.
Only from Chanukkah, which starts in the evening 25 Dec and lasts 8 days, museums do not have so long open.
Otherwise, on all normal weekdays, from Sunday to Thursday everything is normally open. Only on Fridays, most shops are already close by noon. Museums on Friday I don’t know, never visited a museum so close to the Schabbat.
I wonder if museums are open. There are currently many soldiers in the field. Employee shortage could lead to things having. Israel Museum has only 6h open day.
Take a look at the KZ memorials Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora in Thuringia before the court closes them.
My German friends still visited me in Israel despite 7/10. Eight have been here since then, even more often than before 7.10.23.
Most of them come in Jerusalem Hostel (I believe Jaffa St 44), per night from 20 euros. In the kitchen you can even cook yourself and in the morning there is the best coffee of Israel, and for the evening you have a beautiful roof garden.
Hotel prices don’t know. All my friends want to come among people, experience Israel real, not from the expensive glass boxes of the hotels.
Flights are already around 100 euros.
But I’m flying when, only with EL AL, because their super service begins when checking in. So, a little more expensive, but much better, even if the flight takes just about 5 hours. In 2004-2017 only took cheap airlines, but during my Aliyah (relocation) 2018 to Israel, the state paid me the one-way fly. Therefore, with regard to service and helpfulness, I only flee with El Al.
More service does not exist.
In the week (Sundays to Thursdays) without holidays all shops have normal open, also museums and walkable archaeological site. Only in Chanukkah, the 8 days of Christmas from the evening of the 25th. In December, most of the shops and authorities used to suck. Sheruts (Sammeltaxen at the airport, when you come from the arrival hall, left), excluded.
At my first visit in 2004, it was very useful for me to see heavily armed military everywhere. Today I feel as Israel, much safer everywhere when I see heavily armed soldiers standing everywhere.
Just a warning to you:
Israel is addicted.
Time and again to come….
Yes, Israel is very safe.
I live in Haifa, in Israel since 2018 (first at Jerusalem).
In no country in the world I feel safer than in Israel.
If even Lufthansa is no longer carrying out flights at the moment, it would be a sign that there is no good Time is.
From next year, however, it should go again.
You need to know how to deal with potential air alarm.
Tourism breaks, hotels close:
There is a travel warning
… it is always a good time to travel to Israel.
Go and find out.
I’m asking for no surprises…
Mm, yeah. GF is, of course, the best place to find out what’s going on right now. If you’re rolling, at least let yourself be more original.
Of course
that blurs us three times
Not so optimally due to the state of war.
Are the sights closed?
No, they’re all open normally.
Greetings from Haifa
I don’t know
If you’re on fireworks through Iron Dome, go ahead.
Israel is also far more secure than the USA, for example. I want to go to Israel, not to Gaza.
Bomb mood there
Israel is also far more secure than the USA, for example. I want to go to Israel, not to Gaza.
definitely safer, thank you
I live in Haifa, I can only confirm that.
Since when? I live in Haifa, I can’t confirm that.