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Was ist mit mir los?
Hallo ich bin m(14) und ich suche schon lange nach Antworten hier drauf weil ich in ständiger Angst lebe ich kann nicht in die Schule ohne Angst vor allen möglichen Situationen zu haben ich denke das jede Person sogar fremde Leute die an mir einfsch nur vorbei laufen was böses möchten (z.B. mich aufeinmal schubsen,…
If the mind or the psyche is sick, it has immense effects on physical health.
If the body is sick, it has an impact on the psyche.
Both diseases are related.
Yes, definitely. Because physical health can affect mental health and vice versa.
Absolutely. Without spiritual health, humans can live healthy in everyday life with great difficulties and have less good stimulus than people with normal intelligence.
A lack of mental health affects the psyche and body. But also reversed. These three factors affect each other.
Example: Ben is mentally disabled and feeds unhealthy. The result is that he is obesity and has developed a diabetes. In addition, it is pampered by the like-minded people in a disabled workshop and thus isolated from the others. He develops a depression.
I honestly find them even more important. What’s good for me when I’m a mental vegetable? If I had the choice between
I was going to choose 1.
Body and mind form a unity. If one of them is not healthy, the other part also suffers from it.
very well expressed, I also see
Certainly. Even though mental health at collective level is more likely to be due to the stupidity of the individual.
I think it’s quite true.
lg up
You can also land in a mental wheelchair. Everything is happening, all seen.
Hello, dear BrainFog128. 😊
But yes…….. definitely.
What makes me use of the healthiest body if the “Birne” is out of working, that would be terrible…….
The last instance: healthy body that stays in the lap………grausam………
Greetings, Renate. 😊