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Do you think you’re buying a device from Amazon and adding the insurance? So if yes then it’s an insurance you just have to pay. Depends on the product.
I did the whole thing and got my height-adjustable table fully 250€, because I deformed the cable out of the socket when I started. They just reimbursed me the whole thing, even though I just wanted to reimburse the cable. It’s a cable for shopping.
Could you give your question a little more context.
A warranty means you can give a purchased device zb a mobile phone at defect to the reperature for free or request replacement, sometimes also money.
Sone Warranty is usually limited to 2 years.
You mean warranty. A guarantee is a voluntary promise of the manufacturer. This can also go over the two years and include everything possible.
Yes warranty and warranty are often similar in some points.
Exactly, but my statement is true.
wasn’t that the one from the shop the other from the manufacturer?
Well, warranty covers damage after purchase and warranty only before purchase
Guarantee is not insurance.
Allianz is, for example, an insurance company
Allianz is not an insurance company.
A household insurance is a (sach) insurance.
Instead of kicking around everywhere, give a separate answer.
Are you okay?
A guarantee is a guarantee.
Insurance insurance.
What should have to do with one-off payment. Can possibly prolong, but then you deliberately dismiss it.
For example, you have a new washing machine.
You might need to close an insurance for this.
So get more concrete instead of just throwing a few things into the room.