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Ibu nach Drogen?
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Definitely – yes. We’ve built it hard so that we can’t get more people here who just sneak over our stick.
Apart from that:
Frankfurt/M is a city for “love at second glance”. You have to find the beautiful and cozy corners. Whoever stares at the skyline or the one-and-a-half street drug scene doesn’t get that. And who has problems with people with migrant backgrounds will hate the city anyway.
And then it is never only Frankfurt alone: unlike Berlin, Hamburg or Munich, it is not a soloist in its surroundings. It is the centre of the Rhine-Main area with around 4.5 million. Inhabitants and – next to Frankfurt – 5 cities with over 100,000 inhabitants. If you want to make full use of life here, you can’t go to city or city. Community borders.
It has its good sides too. I used to live there and found it so suuuper great, but okay.
Is not the worst city in all of Germany (that would be Offenbach 😉 )
Offenbach/M… I can only confirm!
no was there and thought it would be 1000x worse but it went eig
I used to live in F.a.M, but now in Aachen. Nevertheless, Frankfurt is the most beautiful city in the world… beautiful market place, town hall, shopping streets us shopping opportunities. Why are you asking?
The most beautiful city
Then why do you ask? If you think Frankfurt a.M. doesn’t find a beautiful city?