Ist Flüge nicht antreten, ohne Konsequenzen möglich?

“Flüge verfallen lassen!?”


Ich möchte im November nach LA. Abflug Frankfurt/Main (FRA) weil dort auch mein Wohnsitz ist. Habe jetzt auch einen akzeptablen Flug gefunden, allerdings mit Hin- & Rückflug von Kopenhagen(CPH) mit Zwischenstopp in Frankfurt/Main.

Genaue Details: Hinflug: Flug 1 mit Scandinavian AL – Cimber Airways von CPH > FRA

Flug 2 mit Lufthansa von FRA > YVR

Flug 3 mit Air Canada von YVR > LAX

Rückflug: Flug 4 mit Lufthansa von LAX > FRA

Flug 5 mit SAS von FRA > CPH

Eigentlich müsste es doch möglich sein Flug 1 & Flug 5, ohne weitere Konsequenzen, einfach nicht anzutreten oder?

Damit ich nicht extra noch einen Hin- & Rückflug von CPH nach FRA buchen muss

.. habe mal zum Vergleich einen Hin- & Rückflug ab FRA eingegeben und die gleichen Flüge mit Lufthansa würden dann fast das doppelte kosten obwohl es 3! Flüge weniger sind. Wie kommt so etwas zustande?

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9 years ago

Yeah, you can only fly subway. In return, the airline may charge you a new price that corresponds to your chosen route – but does not have to. Because you haven’t booked flight 1-3 or flight 4+5, but transport from CPH to LAX and back.

The prices are partly arbitrarily fixed, partly in airport fees; a premium airport like FRA is generally significantly more expensive. Conversely, less flogged routes are offered at discount to keep the utilisation.

9 years ago

If you arrive at the first flight of a journey nciht, all become so-called. Consecutive flights deleted, so all connections, as well as the returns.

However, you can declare your intention before departure, then we will recalculate the airline that will issue your ticket and you will have to pay the difference.

If you fly as booked, but you only want to return to FRA, you will also have a problem as your baggage is handled.
If you are missing on the flight to CPH, it will be necessary for your baggage to be reloaded, which may lead to a delay and loss of the slot and then it will cost properly.

I don’t know how you might be asked to pay,

9 years ago


that used to be a popular trick to get to cheap flights. In my knowledge this was suppressed by the airlines at the time. You must fly as specified in the booking. I’d make sure you’re in a travel agency or a flight line so you don’t get any unpopular surprise.



9 years ago

You must not let the first flight fall! Otherwise, this is considered a “no-show” and the rest of the ticket will be invalid.

The last flight (and only this one) can be dropped. What does the airline want to do? You’re gonna break into the plane with violence? … I think it is very unlikely that, in retrospect, it calls for a higher price because it is very bad advertising.

What can happen if you do this more often is that the airline doesn’t take you anymore. Especially in the USA you have to be careful with this.

By the way: I had to drop my flight with Air Berlin this year (internal German) and still allowed to start the return flight as planned 🙂