Did your first baby come into the world earlier or later?
I heard boys come earlier than girls
I heard boys come earlier than girls
I know what you see in a boy. But how do you recognize a girl? Simply by the absence of a penis?
Hello everyone, I have my due date at the hospital in a few weeks. This is a cesarean section. Can someone please explain to me exactly what the difference is between a delivery room bag and a ward bag? I'm totally confused. Do I take the bag with me to the delivery? And what exactly…
I'm a twin and my boyfriend is a triplet. What are the chances I could have quadruplets?
or that I'm pregnant?
Ich habe vor kurzem einen Schwangerschafstest gemacht und er war positiv und meine Eltern dürfen davon nichts wissen, mein Freund 17 ist kurz danach weggezogen und meldet sich nicht mehr bei mir. Ich weiß nciht was ich jetzt tun soll Bitte nur ernst gemeinte antworten.
If it happened too early, so to speak.
I do not know statistics maennial female birth. With me it was so…
Time data related to the release date.
One day before the appointment, my son came to the world. However, I no longer knew exactly when I had my last period. Accordingly, the whole thing can have shifted to one or a few days when calculating. 🤔
He didn’t come to corr. 40+0 (actually 40+6) was initiated and then there was an imperial cut due to premature placenta solution.
I used to come.
Needless question: You pick up the girlfriend at the agreed time at 8:00. She’s just gonna have to catch up with her: Zack, 23:35…
You’re obviously guilty.
I’ve got four guys – all left after appointment.
A week later than calculated.
Mys came 3 days after ET by introduction.
After 10 hours I was mine, “Kleine ́ there
Are your children already grown up?