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2 years ago

I used to live in Rheda-Wiedenbrück. And from “old tradition” there were indeed slogans and competition thinking between these two parts of the town. Guys from one part of the town were thrown with tomatoes when they wanted to meet girls from the other part of the town. I was told by a “Ureinwohner” who lives there for years. Even today there is a certain difference between the two local parts. Pure visually, because Wiedenbrück is sometimes much older, but in places much more beautiful. Partly also in the rental prices because it is more attractive to live in Wiedenbrück, but is cheaper in Rheda.

2 years ago

Yes, and that has an absolutely traditional background. This depends on the county reform in Bavaria at the beginning of the 1970s. Even then, our small town had a little more inhabitants, by far the strongest economic power and as a shopping city also the most imposing city life. When the county reform was implemented, it would have to be clear that our city is being raised to the county city. However, this survey went to our neighboring town with a little fewer inhabitants and a much weaker industry compared to us. The reason for this was that the then Mayor of Munich was born in this city and had pushed the scenes for it. Although there was no open hatred between us and the county city at the time or today, and in between human beings, this subject is still between the two cities. Our local patriotism also shows, among other things, that when 2013 in Bavaria the possibility was created, we were or are top riders in Bavaria in the transition to the old license plates. Hunting scenes in South Bavaria. And so it came that, until today, in contrast to the sleepy city of officials and districts, we are still the most lively, economically strongest and most beautiful city in the county.

2 years ago

There was more or less in my hometown. There were two districts competing with each other, but at the end (when I lived there) it was more or less humorous and only a topic that had experienced the “hot phase” of these confrontations. This must have been provided in the 50s, among other things, for mass strikes at sports and fishing festivals and deliberately sabotaged events: if a place a festival, no matter what, celebrated, the youth came from another place and made trouble. Also the footballers among themselves were absolutely hostile and at carnival the verbal blood flowed in every direction. There was also Krach because of the authorities: some refused to drive to the tax office or the cadastral office, etc., to the neighboring city part, because he himself did not have it on site and was therefore insulted, so in the way.

From approx. In 1970-1980 this was no longer a big topic, then there was also an administrative association from the city and one “must be able to work together”. There were only some tears. When I was sitting in the real school next to a girl from the neighboring part of town, some “older” really came up with stupid comments – most of them weren’t interested in who now lived.

2 years ago

But yes! The football matches are definitely not friendship games… 😉

2 years ago

Not my knowledge, no.

2 years ago

There’s a good movie on your topic

2 years ago

Do not believe

2 years ago

My village has always hated my neighbor village.

2 years ago

Yes with Zurich….

2 years ago
Reply to  Nobodyrotz

Basel 🙂

2 years ago

Not that I knew