Ist euch auch manchmal so langweilig?
Hört ihr auch immer gerne Musik? Bus, GYM, arbeit, draußen usw.? habt ihr auch dieses Gefühl, dass wenn ihr Musik hört, euch viel besser geht?
Damit mein ich Harley Davidson, Mack ,Zippo und andere Dinge denn American way of Life verkörpern. Und kleiner Gedanke nebenbei die Gen Z wächst sehr mit japanischer Popkultur auf Anime usw wie sieht es da aus wenn die Gen z 50 60 ist
No. I always had something to do. Be it a pool of recreational activities I like to make from which I can always draw. Or just as simple things like household work that always happen in a rather big old house. And even purely professional air always remained for overtime when I put it on it. But I was never bored as a child. I never knew whether I should pity or envy those who were constantly bored.
lg up
No. I always find activities that don’t get boring. Just go after my hobbies
I’m always bored. I’m almost bored of life
Haha yes, now less often but yes
In case
What do you think? I’m on work, both on GF and on thoughts on the Caribbean.
No. I have my kitten and my iPad.
If you’re bored, look for employment. Invest the time, for example, in education.
but I want to know if you are bored sometimes
Only gaaaaaaaaaaaanz rare. Always do something
I only know about hearing.
No, never
Jup, I also know :c