Ist es zu spät Ballett zu lernen um professionell zu tanzen?
Hi Leute!!
Ich bin aktuell 16 Jahre alt und würde voll gerne an der Hochschule für Theater und Musik in München Tanz studieren.
Jedoch bezieht sich dieser Studiengang eher auf Ballett und ich habe bisher nur HipHop und zuhause etwas selbstbeigebrachtes Contemporary getanzt.
Ich hätte noch 2 Jahre Zeit es zu lernen bevor ich mich anmelden würde.
Was denkt Ihr? Hätte ich noch Chancen es zu schaffen oder ist es hoffnungslos?
Ich bin bisschen am zweifeln und bräuchte andere Meinungen
To become a professional dancer for classical dance is 16 too late. You must not forget that the girls and boys with 16/17 (18 with Abi) are usually finished and ready to stage. Professional dancers start immediately after schooling with the applications to take up the desired company
Even here, not everyone can get enough engagements to live on it. The rest hangs with side jobs or ascending BG through or saddles.
The question is: Why should someone hire a 22 or 23 year old beginner if there is a large pool with equal applicants who already have five or six years of stage experience.
With contemporary dance, something looks better. For male dancers as well.
Btw: nothing goes without the necessary physical conditions. Here rigoros is already screened out at the 10-11-year-olds, it also has to, for example, the joints only do so if they are able to do so.
However, if you want to go towards dance education, dance medicine or dance therapy, it looks quite different again. Here the trainings/studies start only after completed school training and can also be started with the middle/end 20 . Even in the physical conditions, the limits are much further set.
Many professional classical dancers work later as choreographers. Physically, there are limits. For example, Margot Werner was later known as a singer and actress.
Oh, 16? Well, it’s late, but you can do it. Can you speak French? Then go to the Paris Opera when you finished studying. There you get the best training in the world. You should learn the elevator.
Apparently it doesn’t have to be too late, see be- as-adult-with-ballett-anfang-ein-interview-mit-thierry-pare-ex-solist-tanzpaedagoge-und-physiotherapeut/#:text=On%20eden%2C%20eder%20edan20ist
There is no age limit for the hobby sector. That’s right. 16 is too late for training as a classic professional dancer.
Jaa but it will be hard
It depends on what you want to do later professionally.
To become a primary ballerina, it is clearly too late.
You may be able to contact the university if the degree programme is even suitable for you.
Yes is definitely too late
What do you think?
Yeah, obviously more than you.