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Old patterns of behavior and beliefs from childhood, still affect our life today.
They are no longer helpful in current life and should be reversed.
This is important for personal development and for the change of stereotype behavior.
A clear YES on the question.
I am also creating a positive change in this regard.
Thank you for star
You’re welcome
Yeah, because I’m sorry about it myself. It’s not easy to break it. Especially when something is triggered and old wounds are torn open. I talked about it today in the therapy and told you about it from my past. Then it was also said what things my behavior is and that I still use it and are in child mode.
Amazing. It’s similar to me. I’ve become better in it now, as I have now trained more spontaneity.
In this state you describe, it sometimes feels like being remotely controlled, as if you had not the complete power and decision-making power over yourself.
I hope you can break out of these patterns.
Then much negative will be filled and you will be free and come into your self-reality.
Yeah, I really feel like a stranger and don’t know what I’m doing. It’s creepy. Of course, others are mad at me and absent. In turn, you feel misunderstood because there is another intention behind it.
Thank you so much! 🫓🤝🏻
Thank you
If they don’t do good to me or others. Otherwise I don’t know why I should change anything.
If that’s negative. It doesn’t help me or anyone to keep it.
Because my patterns of behaviour are justified and have proven themselves.
Yes, I’m a little too impulsive.