Ist es wichtig die Periode zu bekommen?

Meine Bekannte meinte, sie würde eine Hormon freie Pille nehmen..

Und keine Periode bekommen, und ihr Arzt meinte die Periode wäre sowieso unnötig…

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10 months ago

The period is only necessary for the body if you do not intervene with hormones.

Through the period, built-up mucosa and the unfertilized egg are excreted.

This is not necessary if, for example, the pill does not have a built-up mucosa and no egg.

10 months ago

There is no hormone-free pill. There are those with a hormone or combination preperates.
The natural period is a feedback of our body that everything is okay. Pain, irregularities, the color of the blood ect provide insights into health.
Since one has no period under pills and if then only a bleeding due to the pill break, this is unimportant

10 months ago


There is no medical reason to take the break (and therefore without bleeding, when taking pills you have no period), more and more often it is recommended by doctors to take through the pill without break (applies to pills without placebos) (max. 6 months). This also has the advantage that in the long-term rhythm an error is not a problem if it is not in the first week after or last week before a break. . Even errors up to 7 days are not a problem if you have taken the pill at least 14 days before the error and the pill is taken at least 7 days after the error.

Greetings HobbyTfz

10 months ago

The period is not unnecessary but it is possible for me to prevent hormones to suspend the period. Under hormonal contraception you have no normal period but only a bleeding and that you can save yourself by taking the pill through. A bleeding is unnecessary in the sense.

The period itself is not unnecessary but has a purpose.

10 months ago

For a few centuries, the juice teaching should be regarded as overhauled. So yes, a woman no longer has to balance her juices to stay healthy.

However, a hormone-free pill also has its side effects and whether you want to see them as a “healer” period, be left to everyone.

10 months ago
Reply to  lynnmary1987

What’s a hormone-free pill? Globuli, maybe?

10 months ago

So I’ve been having a new pill for two years. I have no more bleeding, and my doctor said that’s not bad.

10 months ago

I guess you got something wrong.

if she takes the pills, probably a gestagen, which is also hormonal, you don’t have any period, but only abort bleeding.

they are actually superfluous, but the period is not.

you can handle them when you take them through.

Nevertheless, also planted side effects.