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Meine Mutter raucht viel zu viel?
Meine Mutter ist 43 Jahre alt und raucht jeden Tag 3-6 Zigaretten am Tag und ich will das sie aufhört aber sie hört nicht auf mich sie weiß das es schädlich ist macht aber weiter vorallem sie raucht auch immer E-Zigarette und das ist ja auch sehr schlecht und ich will einfach das sie aufhört:(
No. Even if he had only beer available, he would drink a lot of it. That wouldn’t solve the problem.
Alcoholism is so or so a disease, regardless of which alcoholic beverage you drink. And the body also doesn’t care where the ethanol comes from, which one leads in excess.
It’s alcohol and if that doesn’t make a big difference. It contains less alk, but the less alk in a drink, the more you drink.
But with beer, you don’t lose control as fast as you do with schnapps, when you get that down like water.
Sure, because beer doesn’t have so much alcohol. It is theoretically possible. I could quickly become an alcoholic by beer alone.
No. He’ll drink more of it.
Alcoholic is and remains Alki….is no matter what he drinks, it’s life-threatening.
No. Alcohol is alcohol, it causes the same damage to man.
An alcoholike5 just wants to calm down his addiction. For beer it takes longer but in the end the damage is no less.
But at schnapps, you lose control faster than with beer, when you get that down like water.
You’re still with an alcoholic, are you? Can it be that you are not aware of what an alcoholic is or what makes you an alcoholic?
No, it doesn’t matter….alcohol is alcohol.