Ist es verwerflich jemandem ein Buch als “missionierung” zu schenken?

Ich möchte jemandem der all seine Kohle für Müll ausgibt ein Buch über Konsum schenken. “Warum wir Dinge kaufen die wir nicht brauchen”.

Ist sowas verwerflich oder okay?

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2 years ago

No, it’s not discardable. But in the best case, recipients just don’t look forward to it and put it away. In the worst case, the person is deadly insulted or angry, because you have mixed up in something that matters nothing (from his point of view).

2 years ago

The book is a good start. Whoever buys garbage for others is not better. I’d be insulted and I’d never give you anything again.

2 years ago
Reply to  FlockeFindet

Coupons or a nicely packed money gift are not a garbage.

2 years ago

Maybe a little tactless, but completely okay if the person likes to read.

2 years ago

would you like a book titled: “How do you not learn to mix into things that do nothing?” or would you feel under attack?

For my part, that’s a big deal. the sense behind a gift is to make someone a joy and not to keep him a stand-up and criticize his life.

2 years ago

It’s more presumptuous.

2 years ago

Just beside it.