Ist es unseriös, als Erwachsener eine Zahnspange zu tragen?

Natürlich soll jeder machen, was er will und seinen eigenen Weg gehen – das ist nur meine persönliche Meinung!

Mich irritiert es total, wenn Erwachsene plötzlich mit einer Zahnspange herumlaufen. Für mich gehört das einfach in die Kindheit – und wenn die Eltern das damals versäumt haben, finde ich das schon fragwürdig. Egal, ob es das Aussehen, das oft kindliche Image oder das lallen beim Sprechen betrifft – eine Zahnspange lässt Erwachsene für mich nicht wirklich seriös wirken, gerade in Berufen wie Finanzen oder bei Kundengesprächen. Und mal ehrlich: Die Ausrede, dass es als Kind keine Probleme mit den Zähnen gab, klingt für mich nur wie eine Ausflucht. Wie seht ihr das?

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4 months ago

Hello rKiba065,

What are you going to do if you take care of your health and optics?

Adults also think very carefully and this also costs a few thousand euros, which makes no one so spontaneously out of a belly feeling.

Good luck!


4 months ago

So my sister has had a brace for the first time with the full year. A somewhat inappropriate gap was created with her after removing the wisdom teeth. S didn’t look bad, and that one corrected a later damage is also not reprehensible.

She has worked on sale as an opticsian and has been super noticed in positive with the customers. I think it would be more disgusting if I were to be served by a salesman who has glammy teeth, bad mouth odour and untreated as such ne banal littleness.

4 months ago

As an adult with braces, I clearly say no. Of course, a chip is noticed, in adults even more, well it is more unusual than in children. But at this very short moment it will remain. In addition, I have received mostly positive feedback. Also to the outer arch I have to carry in addition.

I had a chip as a child, but unfortunately my teeth have moved again for various reasons. In my opinion, choosing a treatment at an adult age requires not only a lot of money, but also courage. So all those who do this deserve my recognition.

4 months ago

This is a word that cannot be taken from my point of view in this context.

If that irritates you – okay.

The fact is, however, that chip treatments in the child or youth age often have hardly the necessary effect, since then there is still a shift in growth and the treatment is often the most universal.

In addition, many families cannot afford only the 20% payment, i.e. later, some people will follow this chip treatment because they have the money for it. There are also children who are neglected and who just don’t get any chips. There are also mistakes that are not yet strong enough to pay the health insurance. Point.

From medical constellations to nothing.

Or do you want to tell me that I’m disgusting because I had to break the jaw because of an immense misposition and put the teeth in the position that make it possible for me to eat again?

This malposition has been shown to me at 22 years. And it could not have been prevented with a brace at youth times (possibly even worse)

4 months ago
Reply to  rKiba065

You attacked me personally. You told me this is ours for you. While I had to eat almost liquid for two years, in the afterlife had been in pain for years and then such an arrogant guy thinks to have to tell me “Naja is insane”

Your upper paragraph also bears witness to absolute ignorance. You blame people here for letting their teeth be judged only later, because they have their ELTA ISIS. What are you talking about?

There are people who see out the disgustingness in just a few sentences and you belong to it.

4 months ago

I got a brace at the beginning of twenty. As a teenager, my bite has moved, as a child I still had impeccable teeth. It didn’t bother me. And it doesn’t bother me in adults. Sometimes it’s not different.

4 months ago

No why, after that you have beautiful teeth

4 months ago
Reply to  rKiba065

Because you have no idea about orthodontics. A chip in the KINDESALTER is absolutely insane. A chip in the JUGENDALTER only brings the “advantage” that the health insurance companies often pay something. From the point of view of treatment, however, absolutely the opposite

4 months ago

Pretty arrogant views.

I also have to wear a brace at the moment and this is not because something had been missed with me. Sometimes things happen or change.

And no, I don’t think a brace wearer won’t come over. What should this have to do with each other?

4 months ago
Reply to  rKiba065

Tattoos and piercings are unprofessional for me. Pets at work dito. But if someone takes care of himself and his health, it strengthens my trust.

I changed my dentist because my previous one belonged to the Guild of the Vaccines. I just couldn’t trust him anymore.

4 months ago
Reply to  rKiba065

It has nothing to do with seriousness. Yes, it can certainly irritate as we are less used to it in our society. In the USA, many corrections are made in adulthood. But then you get more recognition than yours.

4 months ago
Reply to  rKiba065

The excuse that there were no problems with the teeth as a child sounds like a curse for me.

Of course, teeth can also move later

At least decide with your bad argumentation

4 months ago

I took the invisalign as an adult. This is about minor corrections and many have not noticed that I carried them. So I didn’t find insane 😌

4 months ago

Dental need is never inconsistent.

Unsatisfied, even childish and unadulterated, it’s always like crying like, “what could they think of me now?”

4 months ago

What does this have to do with seriousness?

4 months ago
Reply to  rKiba065

Education and lack of self-confidence.

4 months ago
Reply to  rKiba065

There a brace in adults can look childish or distract

Because it’s nothing to do with age.

Take the beet up there.

Stay in touch! Otherwise, your profile here is fast history!

4 months ago
Reply to  Schimeck

No, no, no.