Ist es unhöflich oder beleidigend?
Ist es unhöflich oder beleidigend bei einen Geigenlagen einkaufen zu gehen und eine Geige zu kaufen die Geige aber Dan nur als Deko zu benutzen ? ( weil ich denke es hat sich ein Mensch so viel Zeit und Mühe gegeben eine Geige anzufertigen und Dan steht die einfach irgendwo herum deswegen weiß ich nicht ob das unhöflich oder beleidigend ist der Person gegenüber die diese Geige gemacht hat )
And why do you think he does that? He wants to make money and if you buy a violin, he has reached his goal first. What you do then gets the violin maker in the least of cases, so he will not worry about it.
Something else would probably be if you personally commissioned an instrument and made it individually for you and picked up by you.
And honestly, if I wanted to hang a violin on the wall, I would look for something used and not spend 100th euros for a valuable instrument.
I guess you won’t hang a violin around a few thousand € as a decoration on the wall. You may be justified.
As long as you want to hang one – I guess now – cheap violin by significantly below € 500.— to the wall: There no violin maker has ever created Gand, the thing has come out of a CNC machine fed with waste wood, on which a female, miserably paid being or even a child has flogged the strings and vertebrae. Your bad conscience should apply to these other people.
On the one hand, you don’t see if you want to use the item or if you want to give it away and on the other hand, it’s also an appreciation if you deal with the item very carefully and carefully and you prefer to show it only if you want to use it instead.
Hm, it seems to me that you want the violin also in the consciousness that this is a special object that has probably made with effort and love. In this respect, this is a valuable use.
Actually, it doesn’t matter. That you make her out is not insulting and also a certain kind of recognition. Most likely the violin maker does not even know it. And most violin makers don’t care.
a) does not know that of the violin maker, and
b) is also a kind of appreciation as a decoration
I think.