Ist es überhaupt sicher?
Also ich fliege im Sommer nach Alanya Türkei, und Ich freue mich schon sehr darauf aber ich habe Angst das ich mit irgendeiner schlechten Airline fliege. Also Ich liebe das Fliegen ich will auch Pilot werden aber ich habe Angst wen es darum geht mit irgendeiner schlechten Airline und besonders Airlines mit der Boeing 737 also Was für Airlines fliegen nach Alanya und sind die überhaupt gut? Weil ich fliege immer mit Eurowings, Aegean, Wizzair, Lufthansa
SunExpress offers direct flights to Alanya (Gazipaşa). With regard to security, airlines such as Lufthansa, Eurowings, Aegean and Wizz Air are among the more reliable options. Lufthansa is regularly praised for high safety standards.
If you have concerns about the Boeing 737, you can check which aircraft is used before booking. Generally modern airlines are safe and are subject to strict regulations.
I don’t know what airline I’m flying with and what plane I haven’t booked but my mother because I’m a minor.
I find Lufthansa best but also the others are in line with the standards.
No airline gets flights if they are not subject to strict security measures.
Don’t worry.
Have fun!
Yes, it is clear, but e.g. Air Japan or whatever these Chinese airlines had already had several crashes
Corendon Condor Pegasus sun express are usually ,737 but don’t have to worry about having beautiful vacation.