Ist es sinnvoll wegen so etwas zu Hause zu bleiben?


Ich habe mich gestern an der Ferse verletzt und hab mir ein Teil meiner Haut abgerissen. Immer wenn ich mit Schuhen rumlaufe, sticht dieser sich in die Wunde rein, wodurch ich beim Tragen die ganze Zeit Schmerz spüre. Meine Mutter hat mich heute entschuldigt und deshalb zu Hause gelassen, aber irgendwie fühlt sich der Grund für mich absurd an.

Denkt ihr, es ist sinnvoll, oder übertrieben? Und denkt ihr, die anderen werden mich Weichei nennen? Auch wenn ich es ihnen nicht sage, werden einige wahrscheinlich den Grund von selbst herausfinden, weil ich mich gestern in der Schule verletzt habe.

Danke für alle Antworten

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2 years ago

It’s sick. I think your mother decided. You’ve got pains that increase when you tear up the wounds all the time. How will you let the wounds heal when it’s always shy? You got it.

You’re gonna let a classmate give you the stuff that’s up today to work on him. Point.

If you are still unsure, go to the doctor and let you write sickly – if you think it is correct. In addition, you will get advice on how to deal with the wound in the coming days.

2 years ago

It doesn’t matter.

If you’re in pain and don’t feel able to run it is okay.

If you only play the pain before or if they are barely available then it is exaggerated.

However, it is necessary to remember that most of the time is in school.


2 years ago

Are you still going to school? Then I find the reason pretty absurd and unnecessary to stay at home. You can dress up shoes that are loose or open at the back of school you don’t have to run much….

If you were working and running a lot there and possibly sweating, I would actually stay at home. Depending on how doll the injury is and how work shoes sit

2 years ago

Well, a patch would have solved your problem very quickly. Don’t understand why your mother didn’t do this. Actually, she should know that on a wound a pavement helps.

2 years ago
Reply to  sternenmeer57

I dressed a patch but it doesn’t change

2 years ago

Maybe it’s too small, make a bigger one with gauze on it. It’ll help.

2 years ago

Hello, I think that’s the reason for staying at home, I’ve been running my feet open for three times, so really up. All skin layers gone and that hurt like dog, but I still went to school and to the gym at that time. Although I couldn’t run through the pain anyway. But it was also counterproductive, because instead of healing it became more and more unbearable and more open until I had a lock for running inside to heal my feet.

2 years ago

I already had an injury to the heel, I went to school at the time, had a bandage around it and open shoes, so that was what happened to me at that time.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gemini7668

Of course, in the past, you could not write two weeks sick because of a cold…

2 years ago

I had also walked bloody balses before and then went to school the next day had a sporty am on it again to the doctor who had crippled me because they were inflamed

2 years ago
Reply to  fangekar77

What did you learn from it? -> that you should not just ignore your body and pain! A visit to the doctor could have avoided the inflammation!

2 years ago
Reply to  AriZona04

I was 13 or so told my mother nix about it because I was karg

2 years ago

Well, you could put on slaps or flip flops.

It doesn’t matter, just enjoy and enjoy the day

2 years ago

Can also wear sandals!

2 years ago
Reply to  Goldstueck811

I have no

2 years ago

Change quickly, :))

2 years ago

You might think you’re a little mimimi, but that’s what your mother will know and that’s why she apologized to you.

It is possible to laugh at you next week, but now you have to go through…

2 years ago

How heartless it is – please!

Yes – we learn to bite the teeth together. This is often not our advantage. I’m not reading out mimimi here. But – there are! Sure! An open wound that hurts is not a bagatelle.

2 years ago
Reply to  AriZona04

Everyone has his own opinion, there are also people who have been sick for two weeks because they have cut their fingers…

Between the lines, you read that it is embarrassing the FS itself…

P.S. Whoever would go to the doctor might even be laughed

2 years ago

Exaggerated. Soon you’re missing for fingernails. Paving and good.

2 years ago

Min 2 week at home

2 years ago
Reply to  PinkLady1001

Is that irony?

2 years ago


2 years ago

Self experience

The A and O

2 years ago

If that wasn’t an irony, maybe he should get sick for six weeks, sure is…

2 years ago

Why so long? Is it really that bad?