Ist es sinnvoll in einem Café zu lernen?
Meine Freundin und ich würden gerne mal zum Lernen in ein Café gehen, aber stören die Musik und so?
Meine Freundin und ich würden gerne mal zum Lernen in ein Café gehen, aber stören die Musik und so?
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I think it comes to the individual person.
I personally wouldn’t do that because people and other sounds would bother me.
Personally, I prefer to learn at home. In the Cafè, we met more for group work.
I don’t have so much rest at the café, but that always depends on what you are for a person. Try it out once.😊
It would be too loud for me personally, but I would just try it out.
You have to weigh – it is better or worse than to learn at home, for example.
In my experience, a café is less productive and often distracted. If you have no rest at home, that might be the better alternative.
Everyone feels different.
Just try it out!
I don’t think so. In a cafe the desired learning effect is negated by too much distraction.
Just try it out. For me, this is too lively to learn. I’m too often distracted. But others don’t mind at all.
Learning in a cafe is total nonsense. What do you need the additional stimuli?
For some it might work
You can take noise cancelling headphones.
I’ve never learned in a cafe before, but only in the library.
So you have to know what’s wrong with yourself!
In a cafe you can’t ask other people to be quiet.
There’s something else in a library.