Ist es sinnvoll, dass…?

Ihr lernt einen Menschen kennen wo fast alles passt. Bloß euch stören die Zähne, da sie nicht so schön sind. Zahnstein usw und die Person nimmt es in Angriff.

Würdet ihr glauben das es langfristig klappt?

Wie kann man die Person unterstützen?

Denkt ihr, es ist oberflächlich einem Menschen mit schlechten Zähnen keine Chance zu geben, wenn sonst alles passt ?

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1 year ago

If anything else fits, teeth should not be a reason for perishing. You can let them do what’s not possible with a character.

I don’t think it’s superficial at all, and I’m also worth it. After all, one kisses oneself in a relationship and there would not be an eclectic feeling.

How can you support the person?

By encouraging them to do it. Count the benefits on and at later costs. Good dental care can pay off at the age. It also looks beautiful and well maintained.

1 year ago

My goodness: teeth can be changed when the character is gold. But if teeth are good and the character sucks, that will be more nix

1 year ago

You can go to the dentist, then it fits.

1 year ago

If he’s in order to fix his teeth, that would be absolutely okay for me.