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It’s up to the cosmetic studio.
A good cosmetician with 3-year training and further education can do this well.
Usually such certificates are visible in the salon. You can also take the reviews as a reference point.
please consider which devices they use… what training/training/experience they have
some devices help the cosmetics exactly as much as the home (so hardly anything, or with regular repetition-> which is simply expensive)
I do this with my cosmetics after 8 applications so 8 months I am completely hair-free 1 year and usually has to refresh 1x times a year. (What is normal there the body regenerates again and again)
I found Alexandrite, Dioden, YAG or Clarity II Laser in my town
The shr had my cosmetics before – so I saw results (was only the first session after that she got the mediostar) you can also become hair-free. ANNEX But it always comes to the handlers also. depending on which strength the setting and other. That’s why I’d always ask old customers / look at reviews if that’s so real. -> my beautician has also told me that many since the customers withdraw. I was also skeptical if it works because many have had more negative experiences with others.
I’d think it’s a good idea if you always want to look like a child. No hair has grown yet.
Thank you, I did.
Never heard that a skin doctor does this 🤔 and lasting naja couple weeks/months depending on hair growth
Have you made this experience yourself that it only lasts weeks or months?
It means permanent hair removal but they always grow. You can read it everywhere. You can at most influence how long it takes. By destroying the hair roots, adjacent ones are activated to say so in rest mode.
I’m pretty sure that this is originally from dermatology and there are also certain lasers, such as the YAG laser, which can only be used by doctors.
Some dermatologists offer it. But only as a self-payer