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It works pretty well with some exercise. If you are musical, you can learn this in 4 weeks and after 1⁄2 years it will be right. It wasn’t difficult for me at least.
For untrained lay people, octave jumps are difficult to sing. With a little exercise, however, if the jump doesn’t go too far up, it’s good to do.
This is why even a simple piece like “Good evening, good night” for lay people is hard to sing (e’ -> e”). Or if you think about Happy Birthday:
Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday, happy birthday,
happy birthday to you.
There is also an octave jump in the fat spot. Because the usually isn’t hit clean, many of the congratants change to another key at this point. When many singers come together, it becomes quite wrong because everyone has the octave in a different interval, “interpreted” and is now happy to continue in different tones.
So singing a tone and then hitting the octave over it is moderately difficult.
Oktav jumps are considered “not sanglich” and are generally not rare in vocal music, especially in bass parts, but hardly in series.
For me not but I sing very long as a hobby only have problems with very much tones…
I have to practice the new song!
Somewhere over the rainbow….
Sing it from morning to evening in all tones .
It makes good mood and octave jumps you also learn .
Cool you can learn something