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In principle, the suicide has proven to be inappropriate by passing over. If you survive often and then you have to live as a crumb again.
Here, it is not explicitly asked as a method of suicide, but simply whether it is painful.
Okay. Maybe I overestimated the inclined reader and the inclined reader again in which I thought my answers implied that. So: yes, it is painful because… (here insert my above answer).
it’s worse for the lock driver and all the parties.. And I think it’s very painful to think that you might even survive it and then have to live in a wheelchair.
I think if the train has enough speed, a person should die directly. For example, it is 30 km/h
Yes, but not only for the one who will be overrun, but also for all involved. Just not physically but mentally. :
that is extremely unsocial towards the locomotive leader. Many cannot handle the shock for a lifetime.
As it hurts now when the body is shattered without anaesthesia, I don’t know, I don’t want to know.
Yes, very much.
Especially for the locomotive driver who can bear a life-long damage. (Psychical)
Well, I suggest you try it.
I’ve never tried, so I don’t know.
If the head is cleanly cut off, but if you’re stupid, you lose yours like my uncle. Or worse, you’ll be cunning in the middle of each other and then you’ll survive.
Let it go