Ist es schlimm wenn man Pille nicht genau zur gleichen Zeit nimmt?

Hallo zusammen,

ich nehme meine Pille immer gegen 18 Uhr abends, manchmal kommt es aber auch dazu dass ich die Pille dann erst um 20 oder 21 Uhr nehme. Letztens habe ich die Pille auch um 17 Uhr genommen. Wirkt sich dies auf den Schutz aus ? Viele Grüße

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3 years ago

Hello private825

Taking the pill at the same time is recommended because then the risk of taking is not so great.

If you’re in your pill’s package note that you can take a forgotten pill up to 12 hours, you just have to make sure that the time interval between taking two pills is never greater than 36 hours (24+12). There are also pills that you can take at most 3 hours later.

Greetings HobbyTfz

3 years ago

As a rule, the pill is always recommended“about the same time”to take. This means a daytime; in the morning, after lunch, before bedtime…

Therefore, taking must not take exactly the second/minute/hour – except you take a mini pill with Levonorgestrel, which has a time window of only 3 hours.

A conventional micropille (combination pill with two active ingredients) has a tolerance of 12 hours. If you take a forgotten pill within this time, the protection will be preserved. There must be no more than 36 hours between two pills.

There are even pills that have a time window of 24 hours to lose weight.

After a late intake, the next pill should be taken again at halfway usual time – so you should not hit on every pill 3, 12 or 24 hours.

If you take a combination pill or an estrogen-free pill with Desogestrel, you are also protected from your intake scheme.

Happy New Year and all the best for you!

3 years ago

What’s that pill? One you need to take at a fixed time, or one where you have a time window. Your doctor has advised you

3 years ago

that doesn’t matter if it’s only +/- 2 hours