Ist es schlimm das ich mit 18 noch nicht beim Gynäkologen war?


Ich bin 18 und bin mir nicht sicher ob es schlimm ist, dass ich noch nie beim Gynäkologen war. Allerdings habe ich bisjetzt noch keinen gebraucht, jedoch ist die Vorsorge besser als die nachsorge oder?

Ich hab allerdings auch keine Ahnung was ich sagen sollte um einen Termin zu machen?

Kann mir jemand helfen?

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2 years ago

Hi Honey powder:-)

No, it’s absolutely not bad if you haven’t been with the female doctor at 18 years. You’re not the only girl who has never been there at the age, so don’t worry. If there has been no reason to do so, everything is super 🙂

In principle, there is no prescribed age when you should go to the female doctor for the first time. Some girls/women go there for the first time at 14 years, while others only go 20 or 21 years. Both are okay and always depend heavily on whether there is a reason to visit the female doctor.

A visit to the female doctor is recommended if you have a friend and want to sleep with it, inform yourself about contraceptives and also want to use them, or if you have abdominal discomfort or pain, as well as a strongly irregular period.

Of course, you can also just make an appointment with the female doctor for precaution or if you just want to be advised. This is of course also possible:-)

As a rule, only one conversation with the doctor or doctor takes place during the first visit to the female doctor. If there are no complaints or pain, there is usually no investigation at all.

By the way, I was at the women’s doctor for the first time at 17 years because I wanted to have the pill written.

I hope I could help you a bit and wish you all the best! If you have any questions about the first visit to the female doctor or need help, you can send me a friend request at any time and send me a personal message 🙂


2 years ago

It’s not bad, but an appointment is still advisable. Just call and say you want to make an appointment for the general precaution.

2 years ago

Call and ask for an appointment. You don’t need a reason

2 years ago

It is not bad to go if you have no concerns and complaints. You should start to take precautionary examination once a year. You can say that on the phone, but getting to know is enough.

2 years ago

No, 18 is not so old yet. I would say that most of them are going right from 23-25 and then regularly.