Ist es schlimm das ich alleine beim FKK war?
Hallo ich bin Heily und bin 12, ich bin alleine zum FKK gegangen weil mein Onkel mir sagte das es dort toll ist und ich mal da hin sollte und nun es war mehr als merkwürdig komplett ohne sachen da zu sein und ich will es nicht meinen eltern erzählen weil ich angsthabe das ich Ärger kriege
No, it’s not bad. FKK is for everyone and being naked is nothing bad. Whether you’re alone or together.
FKK is the most natural in the world. And it doesn’t matter what age you go. FKK is there for everyone who likes it and most people at the nudist are very tolerant.
You can tell your uncle that you were there when your parents have a problem with it. But since everyone is naked at the nudist, your parents should not have a problem with it. I’d tell them.
I’m just wondering where you were at the nudist, it’s just going somewhere.
If you like it now is good and if not good. In both cases, you don’t have to tell it, your parents are asking you directly because someone saw you and told them.
Here in Bremen when it was warm now I was at a lake where this is done and oh okay
Why don’t you tell your parents? There is nothing to stop naked at a corresponding nudist area. Your parents might be worried. But I can tell you from my experience that you’re not being harassed. People who bathe nudists or suns are mostly civilized people.
Oh oki thanks and I’m just afraid I’m getting trouble
I’ll make sure you get me 12 fkk. But do it only when and where you feel comfortable. And if there are many strange people for you, then move back and go, then it’s not the right place. Have to look for longer to find an acceptable place. And you don’t have to tell your parents if you don’t feel comfortable.
Oh okay thank you
I always say try going to study. If you don’t know what you’re saying, place and place, etc., go where else
Non-hazardous sites are in themselves not dangerous places. I’m here with my friends and my sister and I’m nacky. You’ll be looked at for a second, but that’s it. FKK is a feeling of life.
Oh, okay, I had many looked at what was really weird
Yes, I think it’s more unusual to see a girl at the age alone at the nudist. But I don’t think a rigid one is appropriate, especially at the age.
But you didn’t do anything wrong if you like to go there but take care of yourself.
Probably because it is rather unusual at this time. It’s still cold.
Yes, but the bathing season starts more in May. And if in the middle of April a nacky girl walks around a lake and then still alone, then it’s clear why they stared at you. Most were just surprised
I was there when it was warm one day but okay
No. It’s just natural, no matter how old you are.
It’s bad. Did you like it or not?
FKK is not bad, but completely harmless and natural.
Too bad you didn’t like it. 12 is also a difficult age to try it for the first time without accompaniment.
You don’t have to tell.
It was funny and oki
What’s wrong with being born? Naked.
I don’t know my parents always said I should never show myself naked
If he/she pushes you to it, I’ll go with you. But if you want it yourself. How do you want to handle this when the first friend or the first girlfriend is at the start?
Be sure to know what you want a few years older and confident enough.
Oh I don’t know I was afraid of it and he didn’t push me
I don’t know what tenants there would be if I had a daughter / son alone then I wouldn’t let you go?!
Oh, okay, don’t you want me to say that to my parents?
But you don’t have to go alone anymore, I’ve been to saunas and spas, there’s a really disgusting gaffer.
You can still be one of those who are still chasing you out of this is not harmless, yes.
Okay, I won’t make any more thanks
What’s wrong with that?
my parents always said I should never show myself naked