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125ccm günstiger bei anderen Klassen?
Moin moin Ich hab einen 125ccm Führerschein und wollte dann jetzt in einem Jahr den Motorrad Führerschein machen. Ist der Motorrad Führerschein dadurch günstiger oder hab ich dadurch irgendwelche Vorteile? Wäre sehr nett wenn das einer beantworten könnte LG
Yes, because the motorcycles don’t like it so much if they aren’t driven legally.
And other drivers thank the heroes especially for the more and more roadblocks
Of course, only in the private garage once to test. My bike is allowed anyway 94 DB have legal.
Funny, you’ll write down that you’re driving on the road.
Then why would you build that thing?
Jaaaaaaaa, Pinocchio…
To enjoy the right sound.
If you do, please go by the police and ask if it’s harmful. Because such wi…. as you are, always belong out of traffic
So, Manu, you think you have a personal problem with people without DB killer. For your comments, the right now is made out
No, not only do I have a problem with such idiots who drive around without db killers, and make sure more and more routes are blocked
Because of such idiots as you, more and more routes are locked as long as you can no longer drive
Yes, that’s true again
Unfortunately, many people can’t recognize hanging together.
Motorcyclists in Tyrol are crying around for driving ban and you ask such a question.
Incidentally, DB Eater are bombenfest verscxheisst so that such questions arise.
Luckily, this is still possible with me.
I hope they catch you as soon as possible.
And pray that the other motorcyclists will not tell you what they think of such ….
No, just for your purse when you get caught.
Social to your fellow human being and very expensive if you hope to get caught. grow up.
If I don’t, I’m just on land roads.
And right there you go… your fellow human beings and the sensible motorbike rides on the nerves, and you keep ensuring that beautiful motorcycle routes are locked.
Ah – please those in Siberia, where no one really suffers from the noise.